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Buah Merah Nabire - Papua

“ Mensana Incopore Sana “, Dalam tubuh yang sehat terdapat jiwa yangsehat. Sebuah ungkapan bahasa latin yang tidak sekedar didengunkan untuk mempopulerkan cabang olahraga, gema ungkapan ini justru telah menjadipilihan utama hidup seseorang. Dalamsetiap perjumpaan, orang selalumenyapa dengan pertanyaan “ apakhabar ? “ dan jawaban pada umumnya“Baik-baik saja!” dan dapat berartibahwa jika raganya baik-baik saja. “Baik-baiksaja dapat diterjemahkan menjadi “sehat-sehat saja”.
" There Incopore There ", In healthy body there are healthy soul. A expression of
Ianguage of Latin which not simply thought to popularize athletic branch, sesomnate this expression exactly have come to especial choice live somebody.In each; every discovery , people alwayswhat with question " how goes the word " and answer generally " Just the best of!" and can mean that if just good physical. "translatable Just the best of become " just–just health”.  Deikian beberapa patah kata yang kami uraikan disini. Jika ingin mau baca lebih lanjut silahkan download berikut ini red_fruit_-_buah_merah.pdf
Utik menjalankan kegiatan kami ini kami sangat membutuhkan dukungan dari saudara-saudara yang sangat peduli terhadap kemajuan Papua . 
Doma, jiak, abou 


  • Dear Sir,

    I am a student studying at UGM. I am gathering information for my research on HIV/AIDS cure.

    May you please send me information on what you have research with Pandanus conoideus (Buah Merah).

    May you also send me methods how you get the Buah merah juice as medicine for diseases?
    (write in English, please).

    Thank you for your help.

    Denn Oggi - Student UGM

  • Thanks for your visit, I only suggestion love can be the following : In the current week or next week there [is] my Woman Sister will come to Bogor of West Java [of] plan will bring the red fruit To Bogor. But unhappily [in] selling one fruit [of] [among/between] Rp. 600.000,00 - 1.200.000,00 rupiah's. If you will order or booking first wait the you see first newly can [in] driving a bargain with my sister
    Wait taught [by] the way of making its gist;sari but by tradional [is] Hinterland Papua

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