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News Info - Page 3

  • Masalah Kesehatan di Papua

    Ada masalah tentang Papua di bidang Kesehatan terutama AIDS, cara penanganannya di bantu dari luar negeri mereka yang mempunyai duit, jika ingin mau baca selengkapnya silahkan klik aja http://www.azstarnet.com/allheadlines/134086, ada juga perkembangan dari Asmat ingin mau baca cepatan klik http://www.stcdio.org/mission/Kids%20Education/papua-ed.html,

    Demikian dulu aah


  • Masalah Papua

    Following recent successful protests in West Papua which closed the Freeport mine for a number of days costing millions in lost revenue to the mining ... Selanjutnya mau baca selengkapnya silahkan klik berikut ini http://www.unpo.org/news_detail.php?arg=56&par=4626 


  • Masalah Demo Mahasiswa Papua

    Jika anda ingin mau baca berita masalah Penangkapan Mahasiswa Papua yang saat Demo di Jayapura beberapa hari yang lalu silahkan klik berikut ini karena terdapat berita yang selengkap-lengkpanya http://apa.online.free.fr/breve.php3?id_breve=2266 


  • Penting untuk dibaca

    Barangkali anda adalah seorang haus akan berita seputar perkembangan Indonesia yang sedang berkembanga di Luar Negeri mari baca dan langsung aja klik yang berikut ini http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/N02186327.htm 


  • Karier Kesehatan di Nabire Papua

    Ada yang ingin mengembangkan kariernya dibidang Kesehatan tapi jauh di wilayah Papua. Ada yang berminat silahkan kunjungi berikut ini langsung klik http://www.reliefweb.int/rw/res.nsf/db900SID/OCHA-6PWB6S?OpenDocument, selebihnya cari sendiri Ok


    Jack SIMAPI

  • Pemburu Berita Masalah Papua

    Bagi teman-teman aku yang ingin mengetahui terutama bagi pemburu berita masalah Papua mari ikut bergabung bersama untuk mengikuti perkembangan Masalah Papua di dalam Negeri maupun di luar negeri, yang kami up to date dari berbagai belahan dunia OK BOZZZZZZZZ, dan klik aja beritanya berikut ini step by step ok. http://www.radionz.co.nz/news/bulletins/rnzi/200605221325/144904f7,  dan http://news.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=102897, selanjutnya jika ada komentar dari anda kami tunggu

    Doma Papua


  • MRP Diminta Bekerja Sesuai Hukum

    Minggu, 13 November 2005 - 08:35 AM

    Jayapura, Warga Indoensia yang bermukim di perbatasan Papua Nugini (PNG) meminta Majelis Rakyat Papua (MRP) yang dilantik Mendagri H.Moh. Mu'arif, 31 Oktober lalu dapat bekerja sesuai prosedur hukum yang berlaku guna memperjuangkan hak-hak dasar orang asli Papua dalam bingkai NKRI.

    "MRP dipilih oleh rakyat secara langsung, maka anggota yang duduk dalam MRP dapat bekerja sesuai peraturan yang berlaku," kata Wakil Ketua II DPRD Kabupaten Keerom, Herman A.T.Yoku, Sabtu (12/11).

    Herman mengemukakan lembaganya selalu didatangi masyarakat yang bermukim di perbatasan PNG meminta agar MRP yang beranggotakan 42 orang dari tiga komponen yaitu lembaga agama, lembaga adat dan kelompok perempuan masing-masing 14 orang itu bekerja sesuai mekanisme yang berlaku untuk memperjuangkan hak-hak dasar orang asli Papua.

  • Papua - Indonesia di Washington

    Indonesia: Keep Pressure on Abusive Army

    11 Oct 2005 22:50:30 GMT ----- Source: Human Rights Watch


    (Washington, October 11, 2005)-Indonesia's failure to reform its abusive military makes it essential for the U.S. Congress to maintain its restrictions on U.S. military assistance, Human Rights Watch said today. This week, House-Senate conferees are meeting to reconcile the annual Foreign Operations Appropriations bill and to decide whether restrictions on military aid to Indonesia should remain in place. Because of the Indonesian military's long record of abuse in places such as East Timor, Aceh and Papua, Congress in 2000 placed conditions on the Foreign Military Financing (FMF) assistance package to the Indonesian military. In fiscal year 2005, the conditions included requirements that the Indonesian government:

    • prosecute and punish members of the armed forces who have been credibly alleged to have committed gross violations of human rights or to have aided or abetted militia groups;
    • ensure cooperation by the armed forces with civilian judicial authorities and with international efforts to resolve cases of gross violations of human rights in East Timor and elsewhere; and
    • implement reforms to increase the transparency and accountability of military operations and financial management, including making publicly available audits of receipts and expenditures.

    "Because President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono was elected democratically, many now wrongly believe that Indonesia's military has been reformed," said Brad Adams, Asia director at Human Rights Watch. "But it continues to be responsible for routine abuses, has failed to address past crimes and remains beyond effective civilian control."

    Indonesian military officers and soldiers who commit human rights violations remain largely beyond the reach of the law. No senior Indonesian officer has been held to account for war crimes and crimes against humanity in East Timor in 1999 or other serious violations elsewhere in the archipelago. In July, an appeals court overturned all convictions in the first test-case of accountability for Suharto-era crimes, the 1984 Tanjung Priok massacre that left at least 33 civilians dead. The civilian defense minister still does not have the ability to appoint, discipline or remove officers.

    Human Rights Watch called on the conferees to adopt the Senate's language for the Fiscal Year 2006 bill, which tracks most of the conditions from last year, and adds important reporting requirements to monitor credible progress on the human rights situation in Papua and Aceh, crucial to informing policymaking on Indonesia. Another Senate provision, Report on Indonesian Cooperation, section 6108, also requires a detailed report prior to the release of International Military Education and Training (IMET) for Indonesia from the Secretary of State on U.S. and Indonesian efforts to bring to justice those responsible for the ambush and murder of two U.S. citizens and an Indonesian in Papua in August 2002.

    Human Rights Watch expressed concern over recent statements by Indonesian President Yudhoyono and army chief General Endriartono Sutarto calling for the reinvigoration of the territorial command structure. The territorial command structure has, in effect, made the army an occupying force instead of focusing on national defense. Public opinion surveys in Indonesia have shown that it is deeply unpopular. Efforts to reinforce the territorial command structure serve as an alarming reminder of the failure to implement serious and structural military reform.

    Human Rights Watch also voiced concern over the largely unaddressed issue of the military's continued control of a vast network of legal and illegal businesses. While Indonesian legislation in 2004 requires all such business interests be divested by 2009, there are widespread doubts in Indonesia that this will happen. There are also fears that, if it does happen, the businesses might simply be transferred to entities controlled by senior military figures. Fanning fears of corruption, the military recently sold off shares in its private companies without notifying the authorities responsible for overseeing the transfer of military businesses. Human Rights Watch noted that financial transparency of the military's budget, as called for in the U.S. Senate proposal, must form the backbone of any serious reform effort.

    Human Rights Watch also cautioned against a simplistic response to the recent October 1, 2005 Bali bombings and other bombings in the past three years in Indonesia. Counter-terror cooperation does not justify resumption of Foreign Military Financing and export of lethal equipment. The police, long marginalized by the military, remain the key actor in counter-terror efforts. It was the police who successfully investigated the perpetrators of the October 2002 Bali bombing and other attacks. The U.S. already has numerous options available to engage with the Indonesian government, including the military, on counterterrorism.

    "This is the wrong time to let up the pressure on the Indonesian military," said Adams. "Now is the time to insist that it ends abuses against civilians, phases out the territorial structure and ends its corrupt business practices."

    Supporters of military aid argue that with direct elections of the president in 2004, the stated commitment of President Yudhoyono and Defense Minister Juwono Sudarsono to reform, and the recent peace agreement in Aceh, the problems are being solved. Yet when pressed, advocates of military aid are unable to articulate how the widely recognized systemic problem of abuse is being addressed.

    "Even supporters of the Indonesian military should realize that holding out the carrot of military assistance is the best way to help with military reform," said Adams. "Continued restrictions are needed to encourage structural and financial reform and accountability for serious human rights violations."


    Sumber : http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/HRW/c980515e653e845861d92a9256ae40da.htm







  • Meningkatnya Penyakit HIV_AIDS di Manokwari Papua

    Sep 24 19:21
    Sharp Increase in Number of HIV Victims in Manokwari (ANTARA News) - The number of people suspected of being carriers of HIV in Manokwari district, Irian Jaya, in August and September 2005 sharply increased from 74 to 109 , according to data collected by the Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) service of Manokwari Regional Hospital.

    Dr Arnold, VCT manager, said about 80 of the 109 people had been positively diagnosed as suffering fom HIV.

    However, he said, the number could be much higher if most victims` families would report the cases or bring them to local health authorities or physicians for an examination.

    Data from the regional health service showed that about 22 of the HIV victims were prostitutes, 32 housewives, 12 civil servants , 8 students while the rest were working as drivers, assistant drivers and nightclub hostesses.

    Otto Parorongan, head of the regional health service, said local health officials were continuously giving information to the people about the danger of the disease as part of their fforts to combat it.(*)   

    Versi Bahasa Indonesia
    Sep 24 19:21
    Peningkatan Tajam/Jelas dalam jumlah Korban HIV  di  Manokwari  (Kabar  ANTARA )- Banyaknya orang mencurigai menjadi pengangkut HIV di (dalam) Manokwari daerah, Jaya Irian, di Bulan September dan Agustus 2005  ditingkatkan dari 74 hingga 109, menurut data yang dikumpulkan oleh hasil pengujian jasa / pelayanan Voluntary Counseling and Testing ( VCT) Rumah sakit Regional Manokwari.

    Dr Arnold, VCT manajer, menyatakan sekitar 80 hingga 109 orang telah secara positif mendiagnose seperti penderita fom HIV.

    Bagaimanapun, ia berkata, nomor; jumlah bisa bertambah jauh lebih tinggi jika kebanyakan korban` keluarga-keluarga akan melaporkan kasus atau membawa mereka ke dokter atau otoritas kesehatan lokal untuk suatu pengujian.

    Data dari jasa pelayanan kesehatan secara regional menunjukkan 22 sekitar itu adalah korbanHIV  diantaranya pelacur, 32 housewives, 12 pegawai sipil, 8 para siswa sedang sisanya  sedang bekerja seperti pengarah, pengarah asisten dan nightclub ibu rumah tangga.

    Otto Parorongan, kepala kesehatan regional yang melayani, menyatakan pejabat kesehatan lokal secara terus-menerus memberi informasi kepada masyarakat tentang bahaya dari  penyakit ini sebagai bagian dari kekuatan / benteng mereka untuk menyerang itu.(*)

    LKBN ANTARA Copyright © 2005  Terms of Use

    Sumber : http://www.antara.co.id/en/seenws/?id=6484

  • China to Invest US$1 Billion in Fishery Sector


    China to Invest US$1 Billion in Fishery Sector
    Friday, 09 September, 2005 | 11:27 WIB

    TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta:Chinese businessmen have made a commitment to invest in the fishery sector in Indonesia.

    “Total investment will amount to US$1 billion,” said Freddy Numberi, Minister of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs, at his office on Thursday (08/09).

    Assurances regarding the investment were made during a recent visit made by Numberi to the People’s Republic of China (PRC) together with Vice President Jusuf Kalla.

    Investment amounting to US$200 million will be made in Merauke, US$300 million in Terrnate and US$300 in Tual, with the remainder in other regions.

    Numberi said that the cooperation made by the Chinese and Indonesian governments had not fully benefited
    Indonesia up to now, as only issued licenses for fishing in Indonesia.

    The fish are then exported abroad.

    With foreign investment in the fishery sector, fish will be processed in Indonesia. (Sutarto-Tempo News Room)Friday, 09 September, 2005 | 11:27 WIB

    TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta:Chinese businessmen have made a commitment to invest in the fishery sector in Indonesia.

    “Total investment will amount to US$1 billion,” said Freddy Numberi, Minister of Fisheries and Maritime Affairs, at his office on Thursday (08/09).

    Assurances regarding the investment were made during a recent visit made by Numberi to the People’s Republic of China (PRC) together with Vice President Jusuf Kalla.

    Investment amounting to US$200 million will be made in Merauke, US$300 million in Terrnate and US$300 in Tual, with the remainder in other regions.

    Numberi said that the cooperation made by the Chinese and Indonesian governments had not fully benefited
    Indonesia up to now, as only issued licenses for fishing in Indonesia.

    The fish are then exported abroad.

    With foreign investment in the fishery sector, fish will be processed in Indonesia. (Sutarto-Tempo News Room)
    Sumber : http://www.tempointeractive.com/hg/nasional/2005/09/09/brk,20050909-66364,uk.html